Five Nights at Sonic's Reimagined
9 years ago

Welp, I need help. (That rhymed)

You saw the title of this. I kind of need some help on FNaS2R. In FNaS1R, I just got images from google. Well, I wanna chage it up. So, I need a room moddler. If you have any experience with good moddleing, please tell me. I’ll look at them and see if they’re good enough. BUT I’m not done there. I already have a phone guy, but, I also need a phone GIRL (yeah, you heard me (or…read me)). So, if you’re a girl, again, tell me. I don’t really care if your voice acting sucks (it would probably be better than my voice acting).
Wait there’s more. I also need an 8-bit spriter (for dem minigames).




Next up

Teaser 4!! (This a joke guys, it's not gonna be in the game)

Random Teaser 2

Remember the old GameJolt? Incase it dosen’t show up (which it dosen’t 99.9999999% of the time)

New Title Sneak Peek

Random Teaser 1

I want to ask you guys a question.

Teaser 2

A Marigold

Random Teaser 3

Teaser 3 (I'm sorry, I'm just too impatient.) This was meant for Sunday, but I just couldn’t wait.