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Next up

Some awesome fanart from Zyalin!

Menu system of the future! #Nojong

For some reason, it's really hard to change the alpha value of a tile layer in GameMaker. You can do this easily for sprite or instance layers, but not tile layers. So here's a video on how to easily update the alpha value of tile layers in real time.

Wonder if anyone can guess what kinda game I'm working on right now with this GameJolt session data as the only clue. I bet someone can sleuth it out!

It's the beginning of a new month which means it's time to push myself to finish this game! Don't expect a complete release any time soon, but do expect me to post about it more often!

I gave the game a screenshot tool so I don't have to update poorly cropped print-screen screenshots anymore. Also features some of the new interface work for the worm.


Nojong, an arcade mashup of Tetris and Mahjong is out now!


Everything I've done in the past week