earthkwak (the creator of super bear adventure) made a community post saying that the next update (the multiplayer update) is delayed to spring 2025.
and since super bear adventure is intended for fetuses (in a nice way) most of the comments are by people who are still in the womb (fetuses). and they dont understand some stuff.
the dev said SPRING 2025. but the fetuses see 2025 and think that its JANUARY 2025 when its actually MARCH/APRIL 2025.
they also dont understand that earthkwak is MAKING the update. thats why he gets to play it before us. hes MAKING it. hes not selfish.
everytime i go into sba comment sections i see fetuses say this shit and it almost makes me want to barf. i refuse to believe that even fetuses can be THIS much of a dumbass.
this is why i often tend to dislike kids under the age of 5 (dont hate me for this). they'reall just impatient dumbasses. this comment is the best example
also they suck at grammar which tends to annoy me alot.