Gangster Night Shooting
2 years ago

What about the 2.0? (for real this time)

It's taking a lot because i'm currently remaking a big portion of the code to add new features and optimize everything, maybe in the next month it will be done .



Next up


A few days ago I got sick, today the pain got so bad I couldn't even sleep, so during this time I drew something related to the last post, have a nice day y'all , Touhou 7 sprites are coming soon.

Real (extremely real warning)

Is it already the Fifth Anniversary of FNaI 1?

An early Christmas gift for everyone that didn't forget about this game after it's release

The game is continuing to develop!

Hello, It's been a while

I coded a FNaF Joke fangame for @MICK55Gamer

29/01/2024, day 1 Triangle of Light


What's the best sprite?