10 days ago

What did I just eat..? (This is Horrortale)



Next up

DUSTTALE - challenge accepted

[Chapter 2]

Time it took to make this: 6 hours (I hope it was worth it)

Logo by kr1staaa

If I'm going for it then here's a foreshadow...

Okay the 2nd dialogue might not be well thought, I'm quickly giving this out.

I'm working on Chapter 4 already, just meanwhile here is thoughts for later.

Food for thought.

Wow, what a hint, thank you Flowey!

Now, back to being enemies.

DUSTTALE - challenge accepted

[Chapter 3]

Time it took to make this: I don't know lah

Logo by kr1staaa

I hope the bad puzzle is clear, I am so tired

PS: I just realised banana has no black outline, my bad.

Why I love the Undertale Community

These are completely different 2 takes on the same character and they are both interesting and engaging in their own way because everyone sees Papyrus in a "kill or be killed" underground differently.

DUSTTALE - challenge accepted

[Chapter 1]

Time it took to make this: 5 hours

Logo by @kr1staaa

Heck I'm glad I treated this as a challenge and am doing this, it's fun!

I already made half of Chapter 2, chapters will be really short but it's because of images ammount I can put in posts Still I think it might be a really cool thing to make and share!

Nearly half of Chapter 4 is done!

Tomorrow I might work less, still hoping I will post Chapter 4 fully done but we will see!


(I'm still thinking which brother to "corrupt" here, this might be fun.

The Fandom thinks Sans is so strong but what if Papyrus is actually stronger? We'll never know for sure..

Damn I might be revealing too much of my idea...welp.)