3 years ago

what do you call this?



Next up

hey apple, what?

Tell me why when I put "nacho. GUH *gets submerged in wave*" in the Bing AI image generator I get this? 😭

You are free to post this on r/thomastheplankengine or smth. I tried to recreate what I saw in the dream I randomly remembered. It looked something like this. Don't know if Expunged was out or not. (article)

Bootleg Burger King Arabia Week Leak

Every time I look back, a lost song gets identified. This time, it’s WASTE MY TIME OF ALL THINGS

Achievement icon leak

Why does Melody’s pfp give me “LOOK INTO MY EYES” vibes

My brain is on something 💀


Note for the mod

[LEAK WARNING] At the ending of my dream I saw a video with “July Primos Promo” in the title and the thumbnail was something along the lines of a frame from the latter half of the 2nd leaked Primos episode, but I didn’t actually watch the video.