What happened to Mario's Pasta Palace?
Well during the time that the game was being work on and all, I started to notice that Highcell wasn't doing well and he had other projects and his own personal life needed to take care of, so I decided to hide the page and having the game paused till he feels better and get his other stuff done too. I honestly care for Highcell I think him as a brother to me and who'll always care for the dude, I don't want him to overwork himself or let his mental health get worse or something I care for him and his team and to make sure if they are doing alright or not if they needed a break or longer break that's fine by me! Everyone needs a break whoever needs it.
What will happen to Mario's Pasta Palace now?
Well as you all may know that you already seen Highcell's new post about this project. Yesterday night I got a text message from Highcell asking if we could redo the game? Tbh with you all I thought about redoing the game from scratch too.
What are some changes to this game?
• Shadow Mario would getting replaced by a new character to take his place.
• Some characters are getting scrapped which are Sally, Tails, Peach, Shadow that sadly hadn't been revealed yet.
• The Lore is getting a rework so there could be some changes to it.
• I'm not to sure about Luigi's Minigames so it'll be on currently unknown at the moment.
• All cameras that we shown here previously is either staying the way it is expect adding afew new stuff to them or getting a redesign, that's up to Highcell choice here.
• Some characters would be getting slight tweaks to their models, which all of you have seen one of their slight tweak model from Highcell's new post, and two characters that is getting a completely redesigned/overhauled.
Anyways that is all for now, we will be looking forward of showing new stuff here to the game. If you all got any questions or anything else be sure to let me know in the comments!
Next up
Feel free to do birthday gift for me if you want to! Here's my new fursona OC!
SHOUT to @FemaleFox1987! ^^
Managed to redesign the whole thumbnail and added afew details to it.
Ladies & gentlemen, we have officially reached to 800 views! :D
Jumbo Josh.
HAPPY Thanksgiving Everyone! I hope your all have a wonder Thanksgiving with your family! 😁
Amy Redesign Moment.
Yo, Mario Spaghetti Plumbers is back.
Sorry I haven't posted much about this game.
Here's something to make up for that.