Escape Freddy
4 years ago

What I can say...

Что я могу сказать...

Motivation is on the loose, but I won't cancel this project so don't worry

Мотивация в бегах, но я не буду отменять это проект, так-что не волнуйтесь



Next up

hm... why I need this in shop хм... зачем мне это в магазине


Hyperspace Remake competion is on the premier right now Watch the video:

Why Left Behind challenge is so high it's not that hard

yea ok sorry I couldn't hold myself (This is a fake screenshot and a joke. Despite the fact that direct was not the best I have to give credit for trying to do stuff like this)

Apperantly there are string manipualtions in clickteam fusion. With that I got both the soft coded dialog system that would change the character name depending on the key sybmol and a lot of furstration because this engine hides those features so deep

I guess Bonnie is scared to break his ear :/ Походу Бонни боится сломать своё ухо :/

Map's done Карта сделана

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