3 years ago

What If Suicide Mouse.EXE Was Added As A Plant Hero In PvZ: Battle For Neighborville?

Name: Suicide Mouse.EXE

Real Name: Logun Gravestone, Afton

Age: (Human) 28 (Suicide Mouse.EXE)


Allis: SCP-1928-EXE, Dark Mouse, God And More

Plant Or Zombie Hero: Plant Hero

Class Role: God

Allies: Crazy Dave And The Plants

Rival: Carnage, Zomboss, And Zombies

Location For The Third Free Roam Story Mode: Tokyo, Japan

Can It Transform With EXE Mode And AVI Mode: Yes

Will It Have Quests To Unlock EXE Mode And AVI Mode: Yes (But It Has To Be Completed By Eliminating Al Lot Of Players, Defense, Healing A lot of Teammates and Winning A lot of Online Matches)

Can It Teleport From Everywhere?: Yes

Does It Have Silent/Light Steps: Yes

Can It Assassinate Enemies With Silent/Light Steps: Yes (But Carefully)

Species: Mouse Hedgehog, Human And Devil

Gender: Male

Fruit To Self Heal: Apple

Explosives: Potato Mines (Remote Bombs)

Primary Weapon: Scythe (Can Switch The Weapons From Scythe To Katana, Glaive, Naginata, and Walking Staff With Electric Shocks)

Second Weapon: Banana Gun (And With The Banana Gun It Can Self Revive And The Peel Will Be A Mine To Make The Enemies Slip*

Main Finishing Move: Nightmare Omega's Vengeance

Finishing Move For EXE Mode: "The Nightmare Has Just Begun"

Finishing Move For AVI Mode: "Suicide's Screams of Death"

Passive Ability: "Real Suffering Is Not Known"

Ammo: ♾️

Health: ♾️

Main Ultimate Ability: Hachiman's Fury (1st Ability, and Tale Of Uchitsune, Breath of Izunami And Shadow Strike Are Optional)

Is it a Class Attack, Defense, Support Or Swarm Or All: All

What Event Will Be Use: Halloween

Will It Be A Boss For The Zombie Side?: Yes

Can It Self Heal And Heal Teammates: Yes For Self Heal And Using Breath of Izunami Is Yes For Healing Teammates

Will It be a dlc: Yes

What It'll Come With The Dlc Of Suicide Mouse.EXE: One Hero And Friday Night Funkin Creepypasta Mod OST (Which Is Friday Night Trepidation, Vs Sonic.EXE, Sunday Night Suicide, Hypno's Lullaby, Wednesday's Infidelity, Mario's Madness, Mario's Monday Night Massacre and More) Plus With A Plants Vs Rappers OST



Next up

Here’s part 2 of the games that I want to make on Roblox in the and since I’m a fan of Junji Ito, I wanted to like present my chosen short stories that I wanna turn it into a horror game on Roblox

Alright, a week ago, the poll for the upcoming games for this year ended and the results are very good so the upcoming game that is excited the most is……….. 🥁

DOOM: The Dark Ages!

“Oh! Okay” - Peter Griffin

Sunflower Evolution

New Chicken Little meme, motherf***ers!

More progress on the Player's House stage. btw PvZ CI Itch.io gamepage exists now. https://marine69.itch.io/pvzcity

Made this meme after the game is launched because as a Denji fan from Chainsaw Man, Enigma of Sépia just literally massacred my boy by switching his gender 🥲

So here’s something that I wanna make games (and also animations) on Roblox in the future so that I can get started with my career after community College

A new zombie for Summer-day! Cellphone zombie! Every 8 seconds he stuns 2 random plants for 12 seconds


Новый зомби для локации Лето-день! Зомби с телефоном! Каждые 8 секунд он оглушает 2 случайных растения на 12 секунд

How to expose Enigma of Sépia ads being a scam

(And seriously, it’s making me laugh so hard that it’s funny to hear it saying “no p2w”)