hello my name is colin, founder of lowbitt studio and creator of this acc, i live in the netherlands, a country that not many people know, so for the people who dont know where that is: it lays above belgium and east to germany, the netherlands is described as the country where people are almost all satisfied, but thats not really true, i,m here to explain to you what is happening in my country, and why we are on the brink of civil war:
Our country basically knows 2 popular political ideologies: extreme left and extreme right, extreme left (which ill call EL) wants to unite people and with that they mean ALL the people. And then there is extreme right (which ill call ER) who also wants to unite people, but only people from the netherlands, i classify myself as a socialist, not extreme left but just simple left, i hate people who discriminate because of skin color, faith, just discrimination in general should not exist. When i was doing a expiriment on discrimination i saw that the people who discriminate the most, are the people from the baby boom and older, then it dropped greatly, see picture 1, i am happy that the newer generations dont discriminate that much, and i hope the numbers drop to 0 soon, i see many of my classmates prefer left to right which i find great, but it wont just end there, its far from over
Politics and demonstrations:
in this chapter i will be talking about our government and the farmers demonstrations
our government is on the moment governed by the VVD a liberal party who only wins the elections because boomers excist, now i dont want to insult anyone but... i think the VVD needed to win this election, why? Well that brings us to the PVV which stands for Party For Freedom or in dutch, Partij Voor de Vrijheid, and this name lies, this is a extreme right party which follows the N*zi ideologie but they focus on muslims instead of the jews, i hate this party, what is wrong with Muslims? whats wrong with Jews? or any belief? The worst is that they don't explain why, why they hate Muslims, i dont believe banning a believe will fix problems. anyway if it wasnt for the VVD we would now be governt by the PVV, thank you VVD
Now onto the farmers demonstrations lead by the FDF, the Farmers Defence Force, and i personally dont have a opinion on whether its justified or not, but i believe that in a civil war the civilians are 90% of the time on the right side, exceptions are cases of that group in syria i wont mention because that will get me banned, i hope you know what i mean, i dont support army's that target peasants, children, or any non military goals, thats just terrible.
Civil War?
in this last chapter i will tell you about EL against ER, my thoughts and opinions, and the opinions of people around me
i am in second class of school and me and two others made a club called the SRGS translated to english it means: Socialist Revolutionary Group of Students, we stand for a few points listed below here
. students should get more choice in which subjects they want to do
.students should learn more about computing and coding
.students should be able to correct a teacher without getting punished for knowing something
.students should learn more about economics
.students shouldnt be discriminated
.students shouldnt be declined because of race, believe, handicap etc.
we have many followers on our school and even outside of school our community is getting bigger, outside of school we stand for
.everyone with a job should get equal wages
.homeless people that are homeless because of economical reasons should be able to get shelter
.the economic classes should be as equal as possible (abolishment of the economic classes)
and much more, now dont hate on me because of my opinions please
but in our city we also have big community called the:
NKN (Nationaal Kapitalistische Nederlanders) or translated the: National Capitalist Dutch(man)
and they are litterly the complete opposite of the SRGS
and its not just our city thats so devided, its our whole country how futher you get from our capital the more devided it gets, i have a message for the people in my country but it could apply to anyone:
Just think about what we have seen in the past, when war broke out in yugoslavia, korea, vietnam, the decolonisation of india, africa, the northern and southern americas, to what happens when we devide ourselves, china, russia, germany, france, spain, italy, greece, turkey these countries all had a civil war once, do we want that here in our little country? unite eachother, stand up for your rights without violating others rights, even though we want to avoid it, we are still challanging each other to the thing we want least, what if the government banned the right to speak out? war would happen. So lets unite instead of devide, and not just us as the netherlands, why can't the whole world just unite, why do we devide eachother from ourselves? why cant it all just be good?
if you read trough this all thank you for reading it took me 25 minutes to write this, while also answering questions about the jam, i know many people wont care but for the few people who do i felt i had to write this, to enlighten the world of what is happening in the netherlands, feel free to ask me anything about me, my country etc, Ask Me Anything