Since I like to flip tables, I wanted this game to be a non-traditional RPG in the traditional style. In Tantibus, you level up, but you don’t do it through experience from killing enemies. You find special items around the world that will level a character up.
What does leveling do? Well, leveling is only for learning new special attacks. Each character (with one exception) can level up four times (from two to five, starting at one).
So how do you get stronger in stats? Well, I want this game to be a fairly simple RPG. So you only need to worry about a few stats. Attack (AP), health (HP), andpower points (PP). Agility is also a factor, but it’s unchangable. You gain attack by upgrading your weapons. You gain health by upgrading your armor. You gain power points by upgrading your accesseries.
So why fight enemies? Enemies give you money. Money buys stuff.
Wow Mister, this game sounds awesome! Yeah, you’re right. And it’ll be done relatively soon! Like, September or something.
Thanks for reading.
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