Five Nights at Sonic's Nightmare Revived 1 HD Edition
3 months ago

What's going on with this?

So, it's been a little over a month since I decided to "discontinue" this game, I've had some reconsideration lately though

I won't go into detail on what happened because it's been dealt with for a full month, but basically something happened that caused me to make that post about the game being discontinued a month back that I since deleted as I don't agree with what I said anymore whatsoever. Considering it's been fully dealt with and sorted, I don't think it's fair to keep the game dead over something irrelevant.

So, the game is "re-continued"? I have no idea if I will ever make any form of continuation at all because I've attempted twice now and failed (and I am not currently interested in doing so), but I may occasionally update this game to redo an old asset or two and fix a glitch if it comes up.

So, bye for now I guess




Next up

On this day 2 years ago, Five Nights at Sonic's T.E.G 60 Years Later was supposed to release!

Yeah that's really all I have to say lol

was looking at the analytics and found... heh.... the funny number.... (im so funny)

Thought it would be fun to redo an old FNaS 5 Fan Game teaser in the HD Edition style

Sorry for being silent on progress for some time, here is a W.I.P of the office. I also overhauled the description, once I make the header the game page will look complete!


Just wanna say, I can't thank you guys enough for this, this game has been amazing to make and I wanna thank everyone who's enjoyed this game!

( P.S think I've settled on a future game idea :) )

is that like... a tv man reference...

So I remember some time ago, Kane was talking about how he had plans ages ago to make a FNaS NR sister location type game. I thought it was interesting, so I made this concept teaser (no I'm not planning on actually making this a game)

oh my god

this was how it started

Gave the thumbnail a much needed remaster lol

(1st image : new, 2nd image : old)

this will be in the new update