Rage Against The Spectrum
5 years ago

What 's R.A.T.S ?

R.A.T.S is an unique arena FPS where the music drive your games

What ' s the skin system?

It's a system that allow you to change completely the game's appearence : the landscape, the enemies, the weapons...



Next up

Our Knight Rider game is almost complete!!

Here are some images to celebrate this:)

Good luck to all for the final rush!!!

A new update is coming today for Resident Evil The Arklay Chronicles !

Stay Tuned :)

Our Knight Rider game is almost complete!!

Here are some images to celebrate this:)

Good luck to all for the final rush!!!

๐Ÿ”ฅhey x๐Ÿ”ฅ

Take a look at this madness !

Viruses and mortal slugs are sync to the music !

Soon I ll show you Poulpi , the deadly ๐Ÿ™

Stay tuned

EUROPA : Challenger Deep is finally released !!!!

Discover the many scecrets of the abyss of Europa, a Jupiter's moon in this 3D horror game !

New screenshots for my audio driven rogue lite FPS : Rage Against The Spectrum

Do you like it ?

Hey x !

Today I ve a huge news: RATS is seriously upgraded !

I plan to make an indiegogo campain on September.

Stay tuned!

Second screenshot for RATS : The first skin will be : CoVid 19 Attack :)

First screens for EUROPA : CHALLENGER DEEP ! What do you think of?