Grayish World | Revise Two

3 years ago

What's the Gameplay of it?

Narrator: "Grayish world" The Current Game Development. Developed by GJCD Studio...

Osaki: Cut... CUTTTTT... Wait Wait... It's over months of game development that no major updates!!! What's the Gameplay of it? It will be getting more updates in the future? UncleJohn, Explainnn now!!!!

UncleJohn: Ok ok. Calm down, Osaki.

It's been a month since I published my development blog. Until now, there's some of the gameplay that I didn't discuss before. Skip to the story (You can read it in the description of the game). Note: This is not yet fully implemented in the game, I just explain some of the details regarding the gameplay if you are want to learn about it. It can be changed the gameplay depends on the player's feedback.

There's a Two main weapon: The Sword and the Wand. If the player encounters something that looks like a ghost, It is only possible to kill by using magic powered by the wand. While the Look alien enemies are can be used only by the sword. There's some enemy that can be used both weapons!. After the weapon, There's a special skill that can be obtained by Going to some specific location to get a stat point. Each stat is having a benefit for the scripted events and some locations that need to get enough stats to enter. There have six Stat: Strength, Mental, Intelligence, Fitness, Social, and Charisma. You can only have one point to gain each day and you need to pick one stats that you want to progress each day. If you get a stat point, you can also gain 5Crystals. Wait, what are the benefits of crystals?. It can be used to upgrade your weapon and other things!!!.

To not get easily to max all of the stats by doing sleep>gain stat point>walk home>repeat. Before you sleep, You need to kill at least 30 monsters/enemies. There's no time cycle happening at this game, Just sleep and you will jump to another day (Day 1>2).

Some scripted events will be given that each NPC having a Scripted event are having a great benefit to the player. (I will do this If I almost implement the main core of the game). Some of the stories can lead you to see the clue of **cough cough** it's a spoiler so I don't want to discuss.

So I don't want also to reveal all of the gameplay plans. So If you liked the idea/plans, please give it a like!. Thanks for reading my short blog (or maybe I just explain the gameplay???).



Next up

Recreating Osu lazer Main Menu in Clickteam Fusion Engine. (Wip 10%) bruhhh

Grayish World V.0.2.53-R2-PRA

Changelog : V0.2.50-R2-PRA

Sorry for waiting.

Spline chart of the Grayish World Project

Grayish World V.0.2.52-R2-PRA

Thanks for your support and time for my works.

Settings Multiple Selection

Changelog : V.0.2.51-R2-PRA

Right Click Option Engine