Ralph's Academy
5 months ago

What would you guys like to see in Ralph's Academy? Tell me in the comments.

(Read article if you would like to know my ideas)

  1. Power outage (Probably not going to add this. It would be too basic)

  2. Voice lines (Like the ones in UCN)

  3. Mini games (When you complete a night you will be tasked with completing a minigame surrounding a specific animatronic)

Still thinking of more. That's why I'm asking you guys!



Next up

Follow the game! The gamepage is out

I only ended up here... Because of them...

This is the most dumbest quest ever... You just have to like a bunch of posts and thats it!


Gamepage Update - You can now listen to some soundtracks for Ralphs Academy on the gamepage!

Happy Pride Month! -

Lets fucking go!

Got the new job, I hate it