2 years ago

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Wall Jumpin' SMB1 Mario can't hurt you, Wall Jumpin' SMB1 Mario isn't real.

W A L L J U M P I N G S M B 1 M A R I O:

el Mario de SMB1 con wall jump no existe, no puede hacerte daño.

M A R I O D E N E S C O N W A L L J U M P:

First build vs Last build

I will not show a lot of the new level.

Mind level will be based on exploration like the ice level(Ice level and the second cutscene will not be playable on the demo), also, the background is just a placeholder, could be replaced later.


https://discord.gg/4B8mD5rP Emojis event on the discord server cuz Anima Messorem was released 1 year ago and cuz Lethal impact demo is gonna be released soon :D

call me homie.....


The demo have the 2 first levels and a section of the MIND level, hope ya like it :D

ENG and BR translation.

New UG sprites, overworld theme remix and new goomba color palette system, they change depending on the level type(underground, ice...)

UG Sprites, overworld remix y nuevo sistema de colores de goombas, cambian según el nivel(subterraneo, nieve...)

ring ding

I've come to make an announcement:

Shadow the Hedgehog's a...

Tomorrow i'm gonna submit a test build with prologue and first part of chapter 1 on discord (https://discord.gg/jbvmzMB4DH) 8 PM UTC, then, 07/03/2024 another demo with fixes + more lvls on gamejolt.