3 years ago

When the sun is shinning, ima enter this phone number



Next up

224lb...What's next?

Me when I'm bored af

Just Caseoh Moments...forgot his name if it's spelt wrong

Happy Late Easter Comic ^w^

This is some crazy shit...👀

Edit (Sorry for no sound!)

Future Fan Games

I'm returning to make fan game after a full year of original content but I'm still work with original work but they can co-exist together.


Here is this sneak peak of animation and sprites is not made by me

Is there another way to f$cking earn this?

If you HAVE to buy Joltbucks then famp;k you, I can't gift anyone anything...

So the tables have turned eh?

My favorite #StarWarsGame is Disney Infinity 3.0!

@LUKELCS ...One day I will beat your high score. If others can then SO CAN I?!