And apparently the fish I was
trying to catch was already duplicated
So if I wasn’t being a dumbass I probably wouldn’t have caught this
And apparently the fish I was
trying to catch was already duplicated
So if I wasn’t being a dumbass I probably wouldn’t have caught this
FCed (0 misses)
Games on phone?
My friend (Yummz) clipped this and sent to while we were goofing around
FCed (0 misses)
With Molly (younger cousin) as boyfriend
Uhm excuse me what?
Last I checked this ain’t a housing.
It’s an area.
What the actual shit is wrong with this celebrationmk10 seed? 😭😭😭
(For those who don’t know, NPCs can’t live in the crimson or corruption
This shouldn’t be possible at all.)
Overalls :p