1. Phantasm Luigi (A Decoy Fog)
2. Ribbon Wrap Trapped Nightmaric (Nightmaric "Spooky-Up!" Skin)
3. Macula Horror Yoshi (Nightmare Yoshi "Spooky-Up!" Skin)
4. Counterfeit X (Character from: "RockClone: Let's Rock 'n Roll!")
5. The Bomberman Shiro & Kuro (Characters from: "The Bomberman's Showdown!")
6. Shinobi Pac-Man (Character)
7. ... Lefty Sonic (Anew Default Appearance...)
(Acrobatic Lefty Sonic was supposed to be for the Mini-Game,
which it will stay at this point. So Acrobatic Lefty Sonic will be changed as the Skin. And nah nah!
Not gonna tell what is the Mini-Game about, no spoiling!)
8. Catharsis Sonic (Salvage Sonic "Stored-Up!" Skin from the Secret Ending)