you should be able to play
sorry about that
you should be able to play
sorry about that
read article
(devlog 2) showcase of Bambi and Dave in the game :P
(devlog 5) (TW: flashing lights) almost complete Marcello here's his gameplay
i've done most of the visuals for the game, and the new (less buggier) version may release today! (UK Time)
not halloween anymore, but i'm not letting it go yet
i'm tired, i'm gonna go sleep, bye byeee
(devlog4) sorry i haven't posted in awhile here's some stuff
(devlog 3) expungo: the return of the scary vents!!!1!2
i finally released the Halloween test alpha thingy!!!1!2!!21! :3 >w<
last photo of Bandu after saying "I slightly dislike Pepsi" to the Pepsi man