3 years ago

Why are headcrabs perfect at controlling humans when they come from a different planet that has creatures with brains nothing like humans.



Next up

why is there a random hole in my mesh??????? idk how to fix???????


Mr Crowbar Man

An idea concept for a reworked shortstop. It I made it have scaling damage at long range (but forgot to write that) and it's meant to be used like the shortstop but just to give at least decent damage at long range

Drew Gordon Freeman! :D

the three scunt blade. (please add this I want to be scunt knight)

can someone please make this

also its a primary 4 scout you give up damage for........ actually I have no idea why you would use this

A weird combination of scp 2295 and 1048

Your not seeing that wrong its a golden peanut with a face