3 years ago

Why I'll NEVER archive my old projects

There's a prime reason why, they were shit. No questions. Not to mention that when they were on Scratch before, there were some remixes and looking back at them makes me want to puke, Thank the lord that I've improved over the years and most of those projects are long gone now, but the fact that they were worshipped at one point really boggles me. I worry for newcomers for either Scratch, Clickteam, or any engine to start off with for games because not every first creation will be proud forever. Hell, look at FNaB v1. It was a remix, horribly done, ugly looking characters, bland rooms, etc. I'm also making this post to not make the same mistakes as I did from before or any other developer has been through. Practice is highly required when t comes to these types of things. Not only with trying to code a game, but modeling too.

I'm not calling out anybody who's done a poor job, but I'm asking for those who want to make a game or just a creation to experiment for a good long period of time until you manage to get somewhere to where you're satsifyed with the results.



Next up

New definitive thumbnail!

First look at the Pirate Caverns (Expect possible changes in the final)

Figured I go ahead and show these now, here are the original models for Terror Mac and Ham when I did redesigns for them before going for their original designs Malrat was going to use in Mac 3 v1. Both were made around 2021 so they're outdated af.


Office comparisons

Fixed up the title. And yes I did cover up my cleavage Not because of what happened because it was inaccurate to my t-shirt irl

A little comparison of the rooms on what to expect...

Recently touched up the three rooms as presented here.

More changes/improvements may occur especially for the full game. Stay tuned...

Hint Hint, Wink Wink

Fat furret

You're watching the Disney Channel-