Fazbear Entertainment: Chapter 1
3 years ago

Why I've been Inactive here [Proper Post]

So basically, some of you may know that I've been working on the sequel for the Fazbear Entertainment Series. For this one, I have plenty of things planned out, however, I won't be naming them so hype doesn't build up but I will be sharing two of them.

For the first one, as you may or may not have seen on the last post, I've been working on an inventory for the last few days, It's still incomplete but I should be able to finish it within a week. The second thing is an achievement system, originally I was only gonna implement an internal achievement system but I decided I'm going to have it connected with gamejolt trophies, I have worked on this here and there but it's pretty much only 20% complete.

Some of the animatronics are also going to get new designes, espically the Proto Animatronics, recently @Kaisen also joined the dev team for the game so there might even be Proto Chica and Proto Foxy, which were scrapped in the first game as I didn't know how to model them.

The First game may also get a full remake but thats a 50/50.

Thank you for all for supporting my games even though they're not that great, I appreciate all of you for even playing my games.

That's all I have for now so see ya next time!



Next up

Thank you for 500 Followers!!(On the profile)

Poor janitor honestly. He was just mopping the floor, now he has more things to mop up.

Ok, more serious post, here's a new Fredbear reveal (Eye textures are WIP)

SmileBear??? FredBear???

After looking through some DMs, I found an image of what Night 1's cameras used to look like

Ah, I disappeared again, last year of high school is really starting to be a pain right now, take spring bonnie as compensation for my absence and possible continued absence

Someone left the door open... again

Just thought I'd put these here to prove that I did get perms to use them

The two stages

lmao he slipped on a bar of soap, perfectly fell in into a springlock suit, and got springlocked