5 days ago
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My two mask. The puppet one is newer one I just painted. The black mask is well it glows! The stars glows thats all not much. Lol☆☆
Another drawig i did
Some painting i did small and relatable.
I bought this..I don't really mind if a trasnformer can't trasnform there still cool even if toy can't transform.
While playing JWA i realized that rex gen 2 looks similar rex in JWrebirth. Well only the colors on it is diffrent. What yall think.
Drawing i did during science class. Idk
Idk still online here
What chances this Theri will show up in Chaos Theory. What yall think.
Can anyone comments just say hi...or like any my post..i'm online. I'm still here right?
Guess who winning battleship heheh (im playing dobledecker bed.) Lol