why not give the game a uekawa style? new leaks :) city scape is done and metal harbour need to fix some bugs anyways, I fixed the title menu and level select have a new appeareance so that's all for now. Stay tuned ;)! PD: Artwork by: @caibo1
Next up
2 more abilities :D (for steve) walljump, safe trick and well double jump got a bit nerfed anyways double jump and walljump tutorial levels r finished too. So that's all stay tuned ;) (PD: sprites for the item boxes will be updated soon!)
merry christmas!!! 2.1. build is out! Enjoy it anyways, merry xmas and stay tuned ;) cya!
Hi there! Here to tell u that we're getting closer to the 1.1 build! (maybe coming 25/12!) anyways enjoys this leaks and this concept for "Sir. P" at the moment. Stay Tuned ;D!
Shadow and Maria having a little stroll
Hey! for those who didn't know. Steve Adventure first Demo Build is out rn! https://gamejolt.com/games/St3v3/690136
Hi there! Here cooking the christmas demos ;): grind rail added! - lobbies added! - cutscenes added! - new artworks coming?!! - even more!!! and... A new characters!?!? Stay tuned ;D
Hi there here a minor update with the new title screen and a comparation with the old one (I'm using legacy title screen sprites 'cause idk what to put) anyways, I'm working in Tonivar sprites too, so, there's nothing interesting for today. Stay tuned! ;)
Happy Retro Video Game Day!
Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.
It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.