The Horror Show Chronicles: The Separated Timelines Collection (Official)

5 days ago

Why Starshine had to be Replaced with 2 New Antagonists


The reason I decided to replace Starshine with both King Shadow (The Main Antagonist) and T.R.U.E.W.R.A.I.T.H. was because of these only things I don't think would make her a good Main Antagonist:

  1. She can't have 5 miniature versions of herself

  2. Her role as main antagonist Is very stupid

  3. The actual name is STAR, and not Starshine

  4. She is a Jolly Horrors Character, not a TDHIAP one

  5. Her arms shouldn't be stretchy

  6. The role of a Chaos Spirit is much more better than an antagonist of a poorly written series

But there is some good reasons about why I wanted a newer replacement character, someone more Evil, more Villainous, and a Whole lot more Sinister. It's basically King Shadow... King Shadow is basically Shadow Freddy if he was the Chief and not Golden Freddy, So I Managed to make him and gave him a whole bunch of accessories, like a Star on his Chest, A Cape, 2 different eyes, wings, and Golden Freddy's Arm. T.R.U.E.W.R.A.I.T.H. had the same treatment but with a Twist, it's an actual OVERHAUL, of D.A.R.K.N.E.S.S., one of the scrapped characters from FNAA. Just to recap, in my "How I Could Fix These Dark Hours In A Place" Post, I mentioned FNAA's Plot points in the main story with changes to it, I also added Gary and Stella to the 3rd Arc, Whom in that game are the original Anderson and Violet before they were replaced with the now known Couple in the 1st Arc. Which obviously redid the whole saga with more better gameplay and level design. Hope to see you all soon



Next up


Why I Gave Norman Ford A Better Role

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Punched In The Gut

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@jojogledenhuys EFJ Thumbnail + Header

1st Image: Thumbnail

2nd Image: Header

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Channel Link:

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