24 days ago

Why the fuck did I make this?

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Weird thing is GEOFF'S FIRST DESIGN FOR GD POWER PLANT HAVE A DIC- /j ( Gamejolt please don't ban me I out a blaster there because I was bored and I don't want to be too inspired by the explorers one made by mathia nd Switchstep so yeah pls don't van me)

Dark lord in BFI1: Crayon was actually murdered cold blood in his bathtub because blood seen everywhere limbs scattered around and half of his body was eaten by a specific person

Here's a level I finished today, well the layout/basic general idea. The deco isn't final (if it was I'd scream LOL) it's there to provide context for the theming.

I am gonna be looking for deco artists for this level (paid.), if ur interested hmu!

Congratulations! You've fucking failed :D

robtop banned the versus mode bots i can finally play on casual

D side hank W.I.P

Go check my New Level!

He cooked 9 pounds of meth-