11 years ago

Why the GameJolt version is taking longer than expected.

Hey again devs and gamers alike, now I released a post not long ago about how I mentioned there were going to be delays.
I’m going to try and explain them as best I can.

Okay, so the reason the GJ version is delayed, is because of the trophies and highscores, I’ve downloaded Flan’s API for GMS, and it’s very nicely written, however the reason I can’t just ‘flip the switch’ is because my HTML5 version used an entirely different api, one which I didn’t ven have to display when a player got an achievement, Clay did it for me.

So to this I think I might have to look into an internal achievement display system, or ignore the display-when-get side of things, and just hope the scores themselves will suffice for amount of enjoyment gain.

Right now I’m left with two choices.
My friend porting the game to WindowsStore is working soley on an entirely different project file, as such that leaves me with two options for an updated version.

I could either hand over the 640x480 version, or the new 1024x768+ version with a number of more features.
If said friend codes in an internal achievement display system and things work great on a native windows legacy build, then chances are I’ll just wait until he’s finished making it.
Otherwise I might have to do it myself.
Either way it could take some time.

I might even just add both distributions, since the gameplay isn’t really altered by version too much, I could simply even use two leaderboards for versions.

Anyway, thanks for reading and being patient.
I can’t wait to see people play my game on here, once I get around to releasing it.

  • Jwrac



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Chiaki Nanami!

Heya! I wanted to show some gameplay progress i made so far. I hope you like it ^^

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Shuiro Haname. #Commission

Commission for @ShuHaname

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I just wanted to introduce you to my latest musical production and hear some opinions about it. Thank you very much.