Fazbear Nightmare
5 years ago

Why the long delay in Preview C?
TLDR at bottom

So preview B has been in the hands of testers for quite a lot longer than most patches, Ive been trying to fix some fundimental issues in the current game build but part of the issue it Fazbear main is being built with Revision 3 of my “HIMToolbox” which is the core systems im using to work on my games.

The “Clean version” of the tool box is on Revision 5 and has a bunch of QOL improvements aswell as features ive been working on for my other projects like Midnight Investigator and Mikes not home this imcludes Checkpoint/save systems better AI and more streamlined level tranistions
I’ve been tryign to get these features working in the old revision but theres tomany incompatabilites so instead im cutting my losses and starting to instead salvage what i can from Fazbear main and rebuilt the rest in Revision 5.
More or less gonna ripped the levels drop them into a new project and rebuild the rest with the new tools. once thats done I’ll be releasing 1_5_8 instead of preview to testers and will be making a more public test for you all to try

TL;DR: Its taking so long because my tools where to outdated so im rebuildingin it with the version of my toolset then will make a new build with a more open test



Next up

Working on the campaign select screen. Looking to also add a stars system on the preview image

Blep, incase you havent seen it before

Midnight VR is in active development alongside Alpha 7. I've been working on a toolkit to more easily make everything work in Roomscale :) also hopefully Co-op!! (current character is a bit short but fixing that)

FNaF 3 Map is in development for Challange modes :)

Power systems have been improved Clock added to the office Foxy is alive Just some of the changes coming to Alpha 7

Dev progress photos

Redesigning the location to better help the gameplay flow and add new areas :) Next release should really shake things up and give you something special

Got monsters knocking on your door? Thats okay use the vents! But be careful I heard rumors that thyre fairly toxic FNaF 2 progress is coming along amazingly!

Alpha 7's stretch goals are coming along really well!!!