4 years ago

Why the man behind the slaughter is purple

Cause he is Obama. Obama = O b a m a = amOba

Amoba it's almost amoeba, a slime thing on Brazil

There's a purple color on Amoeba™

Not only purple Guy is Obama, but he is a purple slime.



Next up

it the irl (in real lie) duke nukem??/!1/

that's exactly what a sussy baka would say!!!1!!


thank you for your inspiring message

Company Notice

soulja boy in dream music video???!!??!1??

we live in a society

OH MY GAH! The Demo Version of Night at Nuggit's IS NOW AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD!!! Enjoy, and hopefully this gets you excited for the full release!


#fnaf #fangame #chiknnuggit

i'm actually pretty overrated