TRTF: FANTASYLAND (The Return to Freddy's 3 remastered)
3 years ago

why trtf3r's aethstetic/lore is changing, (and why i've kinda realized being a one man developer isnt really great)

so basically, i've realized a bit of a conundrum. after all of the development breaks and brainstorming, i've decided on something that will probably get some mixed responses and such.

the aesthetic of the game is gonna change indefinitely, mainly because of how much i've realized that following the aesthetic and lore lazily shoved out by tyler isn't exactly great, only because how restrained and genuinely shit tyler's lore is, and how the aesthetic of trtf is just really shit as well.

also, another thing: i've realized that being a one man developer is really not helping. sure, i've had help by awesome people like vapor with voice acting and even with the gamepage itself, but it just kinda fell apart, mostly because both of us were occupied with other stuff.

the problem for me was that, i feared to ask for help from other people. mostly because of for one, i had a feeling a devteam would fall apart due to internal affairs, drama or some random shit, and another that i was confident being a developer all by myself, i thought i was some lone guy who could do anything, but to be fair i really wasn't. i only never asked for help because i didn't want to seem lazy or something, making people work for stuff just for me didn't sit right for me.

to be fair, i was just a guy on a trtf related server who decided to make a remastered version of a game from years ago. i didn't even care to make my own aesthetic, i just followed what tyler was probably thinking.

around mid 2020 i realized that this game was in development limbo, so i decided to restart development, remaking everything from scratch and deciding to do something new with trtf, but i realized that i couldn't do this alone.

so if anyone is really able to help, hit me up. i'm deciding to ask for help, even if i really didn't. doesn't really matter, coding or voice acting, anything that hits your mojo. go ahead and hit me up.

so uhh, yea. sorry for the long rant thingy, for short, i actually kinda need a small team of developers rn. i really don't wanna come off as a beggar, i hate coming off as that and if i am just tell me.

uhhh, dbl signing out for now



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holy shiiat


familiar face

looks like someone is unhappy about something

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eye idk