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More progress! New features include stalling Minnie and Ortensia with Anvils, a noise meter, and also added a funny little extra function to the scream
Now that I can actually use my computer, here's a closer look at the anvil + oswald's behavior. Basically, Oswald will move to whatever camera you dropped an anvil in. If you drop it in the same camera hes in. you die
Huhuhu weed
Out of all the returning trtf1 characters in ETF, I think marauder might’ve been one of my favorites to put in
Got Minnie and Ortensia up and working! Their mechanics are subject to change if I need to fiddle around with the gameplay, but nevertheless
got the framework all reasonably put together; working on characters now
Thanks for following the game yall i promise it will likely be delivered soon; been having a ball putting it together
All character renders imported! now its time to start sketching up ideas on how the gameplay works (and the scream button WILL be an integral mechanic to it)