3 years ago

Will the quality of the art affect the chances of the character getting in?



Next up

fucking hell i'm so lonely I hate this update😭

Hii guyyyys

So I'm not going to be as inactive

Expect my usual style to be back in the coming days

Physically I'm better

Mentally I'm even worse than before😍

hi guys if you ever feel alone during valentine's day just remember i'm even lonelier 🥰

another picture taken of anomaly X


Naw man I just came out of the hairdresser's and I look like a bad cosplay of this fucker 😭

Matpat are you really that desperate

g e t r e a d y

I had to be hospitalized yesterday, I've puked 16 times in the span of 11 hours and I can barely stand up because of how dizzy I get when I move 😍🤩