2 years ago

WINDOWS (DOORS RP) super extended


@WisdomTheFunkyBoi - Player

Official Entities:

@Sel499 /@Poley64/Multiply - Figure

SMGOo942 - Guiding Light

@DaRealMemeCentralLol /Blox - Rush

@YvonXD/Negative - Ambush

@Da_Treino/@Bregody_Official /Lies - Seek

@NonsenseNH /Believe - Halt

Various Game Jolt User/Trolls - Eyes

@quandile/Virus - Glitch

@TaeYai /Scream - Screech

@aflacc /Aflac - Jack

@Detective_kid/Knocked - Hide

@Emmalar - Timothy

@Regalito /Stare - Window

@JolonRa /Light - Shadow

Spawned by Devs:

@Kemp_tilin88/D-201 - A-50

Fan Made Entities:

@Boris-the-wolf-bear-official/Weight - Depth

@Wemenfurry_o90/Suicide - Silence

@ZaulBarraca/Pissed - Greed

@YumiGaming_ /Invade - Lurk

@CutmanTheRobotmaster/Error - Abysmal

@ELEANOR_THE_HEDGEHOG_dead/Planophobia - Trypophobia

@sonicfan2 /Unknow - Delude

@Kasandryx /Phasmophobia - Photophobia

@Malrat_ /Withered - Distort

@Ur_Local_Dumbass/Cube - Block

@Tophatboi/Bom - Bubble

@CatbeanieCb/Fire - Burn

@Noob_Gaming /Kilometer - Miles

@TongKui /Go - Stop

@DeafPlayer/Laser - Freeze


@Oswald_64/Burned - Drowned

Various GJ Users again - Other Fanmade Entities



Next up

Uhh chat, i think my Africa map got completly fucked up


Guess these characters

LSPLASH when he loses to Piggy in the 2024 Roblox Innovation awards:

(I know Doors as of right now is 1st place, I just wanted to post this because I thought it was kinda funny)

All of the flags sprites so far (lang flags sprites for Pizza Tower to be exact)

Guess these countries

Thank the figure

Uhh, ok (im sincerely sorry for the pings)

Some update to it cuz ye

Guess the users and the country here they are as

Doors: Floor 2 bouta be lit 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥

(Never really tried art with backgrounds like this, so it looks pretty bad lol)

My channel have reached 700 subs, thanks alot