WIP a rought title screen - trying to capture that messy noisy punk poster style - no actual game name or concept yet :D
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Still working on the postjam version. Still doing art for this witches cottage. The rooms are out of balance, but it'll do. Time to put it in the game.
Well this part works. Still no gameplay or goal, but hey, five days left, I'll think of something.
Cats cats and more cats. But this cat is mine.
Create an immersive game experience to capture the SOUND and ATTITUDE of PUNK for a chance to win $1,500 USD + have your game shown in classrooms at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) for educational purposes!
Yet more cat art. Working on UI. Your broom buddy is meant to be helpful. Meow.
Well, you can go inside now and drop spooders in your house. (Haven't published the post-jam update yet)
Having a ball making art for this game. Might never finish the game, might never use the art, doesn't matter. Having a good time, Looking forward to animating this giant toad.
I made a nice splash page/thumbnail pic. First time I've ever done that.
Last WIP screenshot. Spooky enough? Big spooder says hi
Woohoo. Got multiplayer working on gamejolt, using secure websockets. Just need to smooth out those controls a bit.
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