2 years ago

wip of robin i mean ice cream lesbian🌵



Next up

D --> Procrastinating on other shit but we out here cooking 💥💥💥

D --> Anyways crochet Cris HELL YEHA

D --> Grahhhhhhh[im too lazy to make ths an actual image in ibis paint js have this for now]

2 of my cats!

(YES THAT IS MY HAND AND MY IPAD SUCKS SO TRY TO IGNORE THE CRAPPY VIDEO QUALITY AND THE BACKROUND NOISES) and if ur wondering, Siso (he, black cat) is 19 years old and Peanut (she, tabby) is around 3-6 years old.

D --> Anyways random image GO ok now back to none%istence byebye


D --> %enovember 3 and 4

D --> First image: %enovember 3 (pupgender) , second image: %enovember 4 (sillygender)

D --> All prompts in article as always

D --> GAH

Im bored so I did a fan-made cookie, Bobba cookie!

D --> Oh boy I love my wife