Witch Vectorman Cover Box Art Is the Best?
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These are some design concepts of what Vectorman would look like in the third game in 2002, but on the final build version in 2003 sega wanted to give Vectorman the same Reboot treatment that they did to JSRF, Altered beast, Golden Axe, Shinobi & More...
#Gjask My Favorite video game Movies Are the Sonic the Hedgehog Movies
I clearly had hard time trying to record the 2002 built of Vectorman but I had Audio Issues, Minor Slow Downs & Lags, I Still tried My Best but I Recently Recorded this on my windows 11 Laptop Using PCSX2 To See what the Game & the controls looks like.
Dancing Leaves
Sonic 3D blast gameplay
(Sega genesis classics)
Nintendo switch online games for this week on the Sega Genesis We got Toejam & Earl panic in funkotron, Vectorman & Mercs. all 3 have Now been added to the library on the sega genesis on Nintendo switch online
My Favorite Comfort Game is Tetris Effect Connected #GJAsk
Our second project is getting ready! TRUE GALACTIC MISSION is a new game for MEGA DRIVE and its pre-order will start on June 23th, at Rio Retrogames. Follow the link and click the "Notify me": https://catarse.me/TrueGalacticMission
I some how manage to stumbled upon the sonic movie 3 plusies & toys In the Store walmart that Yesterday