17 days ago

Wonder criticizes someone else's work

Chapter 1:

Lisa the Pointless. Created by Edvinas Kandrotas and Lorenzon (I'm not going to write his full name)

Footnote: I'm going to say what I think are the bad points of this game, and this is based on my opinion. Please be respectful, and if I'm wrong about something, or you don't agree with me, try to argue why you answered. Whether the arguments of this or other criticisms are good or bad, it is up to your complete discretion.




It is...

Ugly aesthetic, The characters are realistic but at the same time cartoonish and that helps them to be varied without becoming excessively ugly. Also the color palette is quite unique.

Garbage Island feels damp, Day fo the World feels dry, Downtown feels Dangerous, And Last Autumn feels cold. Regardless of the area, they all manage to convey their atmosphere


The music (although mostly not original) is really well positioned, The different tracks fit the situations and become quite memorable. It's not for nothing that tracks like "Land" or "Bracket" are iconic.



The story is...

Well, it's just the typical "We have to look for a better place than the pigsty where we live", The interesting thing, The thing is that this best place does exist and although it seems that there are still problems There, it is by far a better place than the rest of the world. I don't have much either What to say, It's the typical excuse to go fight with muscular old men.


As for the characters, we have several to break down: Most of them are quite charismatic or memorable, Larry Davis and his culture, Lester Bean and his gently sinister attitude, Arnold and his intimidating presence.

But my main problem is with the protagonists, Alex and Joel. The problem here is not Joel, He is actually quite an interesting character in that he defends himself using his persuasion skills and keeps the enemies at bay because he "could shoot them." The problem here is with Alex.

Alex himself does not have a bad premise, he is a failed martial artist that he is looking for a better place to live, Basically Alex is an Olatian NPC Anyone and that's the problem, Alex is too plane as a protagonist, he doesn't have much personality but he is someone gentle. And that is Alex's most notable characteristic. You see the problem.

In some ways it would be more interesting if Joel were the protagonist and let's see everything from his point of view,

(It would be really interesting if he was in charge of trying to reason with the crazy people from Olathe, I guess they wouldn't get into so much trouble and the game wouldn't be interesting XD)

(The fact that Alex is practically an NPC will correlate with another point later)



The gameplay at first glance is also quite interesting. On the one hand you have Alex's combos, Which are like Brad's, but these have to be used carefully because some of Alex's attacks can hurt him. Cause damage to Alex himself, while Joel relies on intimidating his enemies with the fact that he could shoot them.

Is there any problem? Yeah. The problem is that after the fight with Vinny and Lin the fighting strategies became extremely bad. Basically the strategies in combat from Red Road can be summarized as:

Minor Iris, Minor Iris, Twisted Stance, Minor Iris, Minor Iris, Occasionally Goat Headbutt. AND IRIS MINOR HASTA LA MUERTE!!!

This is very ballsy when Pointless is supposed to be sold as an extremely difficult game and where you have to think about each of your movements, And you do have to think about your movements. But you have to think about them because each boss is more broken than the previous one.

It also leaves out most of Alex's Skills, such as Iron Hoof or Disarming Chop.

World Building:

One of the "strongest" points of Pointless is that its world is quite interesting, since using the world of the original trilogy as a base, It manages to create completely different locations than the original LISA Series. with its own atmospheres and its own lore.

And oh god... THE LORE!


As for lore, I would define it as "A piece of background that enriches the construction of the world." Why do I define the word lore? Because the Lore of Pointless is, in turn, Its story. To explain it, As I said, the story is pretty simple, It's an excuse for us to move around the world, So if the story isn't interesting on its own, The lore should be. The problem is a lot of the lore is not found in the game. You see there is some lore that is normally found, you know, look around, talk to this NPC, look at this photo, ETC. But the rest of the lore is not normally found in the game. The most relevant lore things that are in the game are Ronald's Role, and the quotes from Salt Crap and Arnolt, and some dialogue from the NPCs. There are many interesting pieces of lore that are not mentioned in the game, such as The Matador Comison, or Garbage Insanity. And it is worth noting that in the Wiki and Lore Documents we are told about the behind-the-scenes of these events. But remember: "If it's not in the script, it's not canon"

Little Rant In bold text, Skip if you are not interested in reading

(Here I'm going to say that the wiki pages of the franchise and the Flash are an aberration of drafting, I KNOW YOU'RE INTELLIGENT BORIS, DON'T YOU NEED TO ME YOU WILL EXPLAIN IN THE MOST CONDEMENDOUS WAY A NON-SENSE THEORY THAT THERE WILL BE MORE ARGUMENTAL GAPS THAN IT SOLVES!!!!!1!!!!1)


Good visual sections, regular bases that are pretty good. But with terribly bad gameplay. and above all...


Y Bedericto:

Although Pointless earned our affection and actually became the main attraction of the Fangames of this community. But as a game, it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of, well. Be funny. I understand that the game is not finished, and that MU is supposed to he is going to fix several of the defects that the original has. But I'm only criticizing the product we have, not the subsequent final product. I can understand why Pointless was popular in its time, Since the fangames at that time were Low average or bad. and I can even say that the world of Pointless has become interesting to me, Even inspiring you to make a Mod. I can even say that Mu was at some point necessary (At least until he returned to the safe space where Ed goes to take refuge).

But for now, Pointless are good concepts, in a bland game bordering on bad.

Punctuation: 3.5 Gummy Worm out of 5 possible (It's not all good, but it's not all bad either. It is only in the middle point, it has strong points. but it also has weak points)

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Next up

LISA: The Groundless

Funny Frisian Man

Little Sneak Peek of the pointless review

Idk I'm not much into replaying games


I had this silly idea of making a pointless parody mod in a "Reverse Flash" (Basically instead of the women, it was the men who disappeared).


(Congratulations, Scrolling around, You have been blessed by the fat of Cosmic Sumo)

I'm working on something... For now, I drop this crappy sketch teaser.

I'll wait until the weekend to show more.

"A new cosmic horror has awakened"


You remember that a month ago I suggested that I wanted to make constructive criticism of fan games and Mods?

Shitty edit that I made in 5 minutes and that is part of a Twitter trend that nobody cares about on this site