1 year ago


It's new years eve everyone!!!!1!11!!!111

list of good people that gave me a good year (jeez this year went by really fast)

@Obsidian_Chi funni and good person

also it's their birthday 2day yey

@malachi63746 A good person

@LitGamesAgain my fren

@Spring_trap_fan101 a nice and usually calm person who is also my fren11!111!!111!

@-UISpringboi- funny memes

@-super- good at art AND one of my friends

@hatterhopper funny memes amirite

@aweirdpickle gud at art and made this current profile picture!!

@teddybray funny memes amiri-

this is my opinion plz respect meee

if I forgot any tell me



Next up

What's down there . . ?

(Also, according to one of NR 1's old trailers, it's the game's 7th anniversary today, so happy birthday NR 1!)

Floor B has begun.

Hey, what's this place?

We do a little trolling ;)

The basement.

“Pokemaniac S!3V3N wants to battle!” 

Sorry if it looks odd, I’m not that used to drawing humans

uh oh