UnderTale: DoctorTale | Official Fangame |

3 years ago

✨Work with the lighting system and first room, New Team member, An important poll (pls vote!) and more ✨ [08.28.2021]

Greetings, all and sundry!

What it can be? Did you really get a notification from the DT page, after four long months of silence? I bet some of you have already decided that we're actually dead, and someone could have unsubscribed (that's not that critical), but as I always say, "We're alive, alive!". So, hello everyone who is still tuned, it's me, non-replaceable Tim DN and it's a long-awaited (especially for me) report on a DoctorTale development progress. Today's news is promising to be very interesting.

Post thesis (if anyone is interested in a certain part, then just scroll down):

  1. WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG TO GET NEWS?! Where I was, what happened during this time and other explanatory teams for my long silence.

  2. THE SCRIPT CONTINUES TO LENGTHEN WITH MILES OF TEXT! How’s one of the biggest fan game scripts (or in my life) progressing and what you should expect from it in the future.

  3. THE CODER IS NOT SLEEPING! What is Ksan doing while I'm telling you all this.

  4. MEET JOSHUA, AND SOME OTHER MINI-NEWS FROM TEAM LIFE. Sharing my thoughts on the future of the project and introducing a new team member.

  5. AN INMPORTANT POLL (PLEASE VOTE)! I’ve been preparing it for a long time, but I couldn’t find the time to conduct it.

So, are we all ready and have an extra ten minutes for reading? Great! Then we begin!



Many of you may ask. Well, there are several reasons here that make this point clear. Firstly, since July and until recently, I’ve been away. For a month and a half, I traveled almost all over my country, visited places where I had never been and got just a huge amount of pleasant impressions for the next autumn. And although I still can’t believe it really happened with me, my diary won’t let me lie. However, so that you don't think that I was just moving around and doing nothing, I took my laptop and during breaks on the road I was writing the script and drawing the first room for the game (well, I also fulfilled some orders). It was very good for a second time, I think. I’ll share with you further this post.

Secondly, I just didn’t know what can I write about. Since June, there hasn’t been so much material or news of any kind that I could write a whole post about it, so choosing between uninformative notes every month and large, but not frequent posts, I chose the latter. Yes, I agree, a controversial option, but at the moment I like this method more, since the amount of information can be much more impressive and interesting than reading single "ToDaY wE AdDeD sOmE pIxElS tO tHiS sPrItE" every day. But you can try to change my mind, and maybe I’ll post both small posts and large entries.

Thirdly… I don’t know, I forgot that point :D Maybe I’ll remember it later. But anyway, now you know where I’ve been and why you haven’t heard from me. We can move further.


The number of pages written exceeded 500, and our protagonists, the Doctor and two of her companions complete their journey through the Forest of Cheem – a large location on the self-titled planet from where the story of the first episode begins. Now I’m writing the last room of this location, in which the heroes have to assemble a homemade TARDIS to leave the planet before [SPOILER] happens, and then they go to an updated version of Ruin on the planet Seffilun. But it’s only going to be in the future, now we have to finish writing this location and if we don’t start writing the more, then we have to start editing the stuff that we’ve already written, considering that I’ve already rethought some things from the beginning in the course of work on new ones.


While I deal with the script, graphics and gradually recruit staff, our beloved Ksan isn’t sitting around. In addition to trying to survive in his university, he also begins his career as a pixel art artist and closes one of our oldest and dearest (to heart, but also expensive for time and energy) project – FGD!SwapFell. You may not know this, since he didn’t make a post about this on GameJolt, because a bunch of everything needs to be translated there, so I bring this news to you like this. It was a tough farewell, to say the least, but all you can do here is leaving something behind and move on, even if it’s not complete.

Anyway, Ksan is also working on the DT menu and the first room right now. We’re thinking about how to recreate the 1963 intro and experimenting with lighting mechanics, so eventually the light in the game may look a little different from it does now. And by the way, thanks to @Dimberry for suggesting how to work with the lighting that he did for his Underfeels game.


What? What is this room, are you asking? Oof, I dunno, but it doesn’t look like a forest or something. Could it be from anywhere else? I don’t know, don’t…


A new team member @FroggyBoat (Joshua) joined our small team about a month ago – he’ll be our musician for a while. Now he’s working on the first track for the game (not counting the test task), so maybe I'll start a Soundcloud somehow to upload fragments of the DT soundtrack there when we have enough music and it’s what we need. Although the guy is great, I'm still looking for musicians who can write the clean orchestrations that this game needs. An indicative list of such persons is already made, so I’ll start writing to these people in September. Plus, now I'm looking for a person to remix the opening theme of the series, but more on that another time.

In parallel with the development, I'm thinking about updating the VK and GameJolt pages and, perhaps, opening a YouTube channel to release video dev vlogs, and maybe something else like speed animation and so on. The only problem here is the time and hands to implement all this, so most likely we’ll deal with it after the completion of the script and the transition to the active phase of development. In the meantime, be patient, we keep working.


And now the poll that I wanted to do for a long time. And this is...

Which version of the console looks better?


What? Did you really expect something else? Pft, well, excuse me, I’m worried about such questions, what can I do? I’m too sensitive to the details and representations of anything from the series, so I’m willing to lick the sprite until it looks as good as possible.

Ahem, anyway, here’s a problem: I asked Ksan to draw his own version of the 1st Doctor's TARDIS interior console about a year ago, and it’s still a part of the room today. And although it looks good, over time I noticed that it has the wrong angle of rotation, because this is how it would look because this is what it would look like if we went into the TARDIS face-on, and from the perspective that we look at this room in the game, the turn of the console has to be different. So, after a while sweating (because most of the time I was licking the sprite to the ideal, as I said before), I drew my own version of this console. Now we have a choice: either to use a version of Ksan that looks familiar to everyone (because we usually see the console from this angle), or to use mine, which from a room design point of view is right, but isn’t familiar to the eye. I’m giving this choice to you, future players.

Well, that’s all for today. Stay tuned, keep waiting for new posts and news from the DT universe, we wish you prepare yourself well for the new school year and see you next time!✨✨

P.S. And yeah, since now we have four people on our team, we can no longer call ourselves "Tim DN and Ksan". From this moment and until indefinite time we are "The OUTTERS".


Tim DN

#DT #doctortale #au #undertaleau #undertale #doctorwho #dw #9thdoctor #tardis #tardis_interior #rpg #devvlog #gamedev #news

  18 votes Voting finished



Next up

🎄 The results of 2023, Summing Up and Teaser-trailer 🎄 [01.01.2024]

✨60 Years of DOCTOR WHO, Why it's still popular, and an Anniversary present✨ [12.10.2023]

✨ Finishing a Preporation (at least we hope) ✨ [09.17.2024]




[«𝟔 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔.»]

had a couple of concepts for a new design to bring in a more "old and worn down" look to the ruins, i hope you all enjoy what i've put together!

Oh, by the way, there happens to be a new UnderEvent coming up, and... THAT'S FANTASTIC!!!✨✨

🎄 The end of 2022, Summing Up and Some Reflection On The Passing Year 🎄 [01.01.2023]

Evil creatures that want MY soul.

❤️ Happy Birthday, UNDERTALE ❤️