cave story NG demo
8 years ago

working now.

working on the CAVE STORY SAMPLE for (Doukutsu 2)

i need some time, and the more GMC samples.
if you are wondering about the game.
it needs ideas… i think…
i think the same cave story mechanic, shooting, side scrolling, collecting.

more mechanic ideas thinking so i dont use too much memory
THEN i will divide what do export:
burning/freezing/poison/stun, enemy effects.
(new) fire/aqua/bota/spark based enemy’s.
changing room temperature (for puzzles).
fire hazards (lava),
ice friction (ice platforms),
dimensional warping (for puzzles),
small pico-8 style sprites (for far places),
side quests,
narrative driving.

aircraft levels: (star-fox style game mechanic),
(I can not tell if it was right, i think 2D was a start)
its ether viewing from a top/side/or back.
because if is on back; then it will be like star fox.
if its like “starfox” then i must find a better 3D software to make air-craft bosses or air-craft enemy’s… there way…
we all need a plot me and all users who read this.

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Next up

team sigils i made.


Characters more to come. also join my artfight!

sup guys!

FIZ vending mechine concept


chilling in summer for no reason is you wanna send me anything thats be sweet of you guys!

i love it!! so stardust based!