Five Nights at Oofio's

2 years ago

Working on some easter eggs, here's one of them. Not gonna say what it's for as you'll have to find out yourself.



Next up

Motion blur

Moving the game from a DirectX9 runtime to a DirectX11 runtime.

I got bored and created a Five Nights at TubbyLand wallpaper :P

Models made by: @Critolious

Rendered with Blender.

Gameplay (DEMO) reveal trailer out now!

I have updated the games Age ratings to fit the current content of the game.

(Does NOT apply to BETAs)

First image: New

Second image: Old

"The Synthesis"

God I feel old. 9 years since FNaF came out…

Well ever since @Critolious released the FNaTL 3 models, I got to work on UV mapping and texturing (because no textures were included, which is fair.) Just finished texturing the Original model.

#fnaf #fnatl #tubbyland

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I got bored so I made these :P