2 months ago

Working on the prologue rn because I got my computer back for now! Hopefully I can finish it before 8 pm my time!



Next up

A WIP attempt at making a certain underground monster from my favorite movie series more human looking!

[Bonus points for you if you guess what it is]

Liz as a dancer in a nightclub, somewhere in space...

Working on something!

The 5 stages of Vita's hunger.

It’s done 💜☮️

I made a Vita Impura reference sheet! This only took me an hour, and I'm really proud with how it turned out

[also there's a scheduled post at 3 pm my time]

Uncanny Azzy.

[Made 5/24]

I did not have a good day yesterday.

I’m currently somewhere in Ohio while our bus driver is taking a break. I drew an old friend from summer camp earlier!

[Scheduled post]* Happy Pride Month everyone!

Drew my favorite pan character Arcadius 💜