Five Nights at Freddy's STARS

6 months ago

Working on the Trailer 2... In the meantime, you can join the Game Jolt Community!



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How do these work? open the article to find out!

| Are you ready for 1.4?

A new mode: 'EGG HUNT' is coming to FNAF STARS!

Kratos popgoes

Strawberry Springtrap, he looks berry happy with himself

Pikachu popgoes

FNAF Stars Comic#3. Part 2.

(Sorry it took so long)

spawnday (not birthafdsy bithday birhtda birhdth birthday) #spawnday

| Exotic Butters

During castings, one character wasn't able to arrive in time, and something had to take its place.

FNAF Stars Comic#3. Part 1. (MS Paint going crazy)

There are going to be three parts of the third comic.

| Toaster Mangle

A popular theory is that this is the evolution of toast mangle, but scientists are not really sure.

Fun Fact: This skin was made for Wave 2, but removed at the last second.