Hello everyone, Daniel here.
So this post is not a update post. But more about the future of World of Wonders as a whole.
I'll answer some questions that no one asked.
But one day will.
So starting this article up.
Q1: Will there be Ports/Enhancements?
A1:Highly likely. Steam seems like a good place to publish Enhancements with extra content, don't worry, The Enhancements will be free. + Some paid DLC sounds very interesting to say the least.
Q2: How many Games will there be?
A2: I am currently thinking of doing 10 games to start up with. Does being. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Chronicles 1, Chronicles 2, Chronicles 3 and a game that fuses all of the 3 timeliness into each other to create a chaotic finale. Then work on prequels.
Q3: Will you ever create a team?
A3: Highly likely to, at least after I am done with World of Wonders 3. I see a team as lots of RPG Maker Game developers bonding and teaming up together. Reason for doing it after World of Wonders 3 is simple. I am still legally a minor. So i can't pay people who help working with me.
Q4: Will new elements be added.
A4: Bruh. Yes, I don't need to explain. But elements introduced in a game will likely not be added in the game of that timeline or other timeliness. But PSI in World of Wonders Chronicles will be returning every Chronicles games.
Finally Q5: Will there be more to expect from future games?
A5: That's up to future me to decide.
Anyways, thanks for reading this and have a wonderful day everyone one