10 months ago

WOW GUYS!! I got like 50 GameJolt trophies!! Isn't that crazy or what?!?!!! Yes, I also have special announcement as well!!

Anyways you guys, thanks for sticking by with me since 2020. Once again, for like 4 years from today here in 2023, my Jax Justun Studios Community has been growing and becoming more stronger than ever before!!

Not only that, we had also been doing like a lot of things from like the past three years and everything!! I mean, we did had a few bumps on those roads, but we had always always get back up!! Anyways, here are some of the MAIN highlights that we had all accomplished from 2020 - 2022!!!

We'd survived the three Old Builder Buttlergaurds named Jack Pearlridge (JP), Invader Zim, and Wheatley, we ended up winning a WAR with Snakes from High Schools, we'd took down the Dinosaurs the 2ND TIME and changed our world for the better, and of course, we'd also survive many other obstacles as well during the Summer of 2023!! Such as Flamzer and the Dragon, Parker Heiste and her MSM Monster Friends, the Adopted Corrupted Children, which I won't say all of the names of them, and of course, the most important ones of all which are The Alien Monster-noids!!

Which are The Gravel Envirenmental - George F. “Factor” Glint Marko (Factor), Imawonnabe - Eszzerilla “Gwindarko Flo Eszzerilla”, The Lava Car “Lavacer Cacaria” - Dr. Cirteeis Carrus, Magma Chomp Plant “Magmagia Tunniia” - Dr. Joe “Landster” Losterman Eya Willberston (Landster or Lanster), The Weather Changer - Joffery J. D. Mixdillion (Joffery), Crow-Two Side - Croc Crowlin Cruel & Allisoon T. S. Siden Cruel, Zist-Guy - Zist and Gi’ (Zist N’ High & Guy “Gi’” Dye), The Crossing Sound Dwellers “Sounder Mellers” - Gone Drizney and Hinhunter “Hinnter” Beedun Kahella Drizney and many more!!

But the main Alien Monster-noids were of course, The Red-Orange Ribbin Goblin - Sabine Wren, Ben Bad One “BBO” - Ben Squirginator, BBO’s Wife #1 “Claydeck Blowder” - Mileena (From Mortal Kombat 11 April 23rd, 2019), Cassidy Hassidy - Cassidy Heiste, Zharra Hassidy “Zhaharria Ox Hassidy” - Azhaerra Heiste, and of course both of the Leaders of all Alien Monster-noids named Judas Jeuda and Mireara Judas Jeuda, the sisters of the Alien Monster-noids Clan, also known as Jinx "Powder" from League of Legends and Harley Quinn (From Batman: The Enemy Within August 8th, 2017)!!! I know, there's a lot of characters on this list.

Speaking of which, we had fought of against both of Parker's long lost relatives named Cassidy and Azhaerra Heiste, then face off against the dinosaurs the 3RD TIME with now the dragons and Flamzer's brother named "Flainthrower"!! And, yeah, that's about it I guess. But around in August of 2023, we people from Jax Justun Studios, including myself "NanGameJolt23", we had change of some interesting plans!! We'd all gone off to the places that we all began of stories that we once done. YEP!! We had returned to places that we had all begun our past journeys, adventures and met many new faces.

Such as Lord Crowhead, Lord Snakehead's cousin!!! YEP!! Had had faced off against Lord Crowhead and his gang of Crows during a WAR now with COLLEGES!! And for almost like 209 years in the making, Lord Crowhead was one of the BEST villains of all time!! But now, next year in 2024, we'll be returning to another place on how our past adventures had all started!! Which was all the way back from 2017!! Before Poppy Playtime, before FNAF was even more popular, before we met Lord Snakehead and way before of 209th Anniversary Year Event. This is of course "The Minecraft World"!! Also known as "Minecraftia"!! And on January 12th, 2024, our future episodes will be shown on screens and.....

.......YEAH!! Anyways, our newest future parody TV series is called "Jax Justun and Jax Marble and Their Disaventures at College: in Revenge of Minecraftia" and it'll be taking during three chapters. First one starting in January, the second one being in February and third one being in March!! And of course, on January 17th, 2024, me "NanGameJolt23" will creating the most anticipated future FNAF fan-game known as "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia"!! Follow by its second and third parts!! And YES!!! This future parody FNAF fan-game WILL NOT have its own separate parts!!

When I mean that, I meant this 17th FNatJJ's game won't have its own separate game channel link things and everything!! Yep!! All of its episodes will be contain only in one main Game Link.


So, as for the first part, it's called Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia - Episode One (Chapter One) - Revenge of the Minecraft World!!!

And for the second part, it's called Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Revenge of Minecraftia - Episode Two (Chapter Two) - Get (FED) Up with Fire Ender Dragon & Mr. Corallus with some Poppy'ed Playtime!!

And of course for the third part, it's called Nights at Jax Justun's 17: And the Revengence of Minecraftia - Episode Three (Chapter Three) - The Dawn and Rise of the Minecraftian Kids and The MSM World/Islands!


Yes, those are kind of some mouthfuls, but all of this is worth it!! Anyways, keep an eye out on some future updates of this future fnaf parody fan-made game okay? And yes!!! This Gwlooke Pleedhaired guy will talk about more about this amazing new future parody series called Jax Justun and Jax Marble and Their Disaventures at College: in Revenge of Minecraftia.......

......And of course, they'll be more teasers out soon for the 17th FNatJJ's game and all that other stuff in general. Well guys, stay tuned for future updates and see you guys on January 17th, 2024, when we (ME "NanGameJolt23") release the 17th instalment of the Five Nights at Jax Justun's series!! Anyways, have a nice day everyone!!

Oh, and one last thing, I'll be also teasing out other things for other future fnaf games for the Jax Justun Studios Universe/Timeline as well. Anyways, stay safe and Happy Holidays!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!

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