3 months ago

Wow,thats a lot of chats tbh. Idk what they mean by this tbh. Does it mean how many clicked on it or how many messages are in it?

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Yeah,im not believing that. I think months ago they said that they were gonna delete it and it never happened and they said the same thing years ago. Until it happens,im not believing that.

should i listen to more of her songs or no?

Im not toxic,ok?

I got this emote to use after i kill someone =]

and to use to annoy my family members for when they play w/ me,lol

idc but ok


Bc why would fortnite do smth nice for people πŸ˜’

Artist: https://x.com/clasicallysad

*Someones comment on the post*

It is true. I saw a lot of people hating on Vi and its sad tbh. They both went through bad trauma and i feel bad for her =c

😭 Tyy @SolarLunarBeauty for the mention.

Im glad that im doing good to people on this site even tho idrk what im doing when i offer help to peopleπŸ–€

if im NOT online,that probably means im not playing right now? so why did u send me an INviTEee