Five Nights at Warios 3 Real edition (non profit)

7 days ago

Wow, this game is two years old?!? and it isnt even out?? That just wont do, will it?

Now before I talk about the real fnaw news, I have REALLY good news: my original model was lost media for some time, and it still is for the meantime. HOWEVER, WE FOUND THE TEXTURES OF MY ORIGINAL MODEL (Including an updated one apparently)


IM BEING PUT BACK TOGETHER (not canonically)


anywhom, time for real fnaw news I suppose...

Work on the recode of multiple parts of the series are in the.. works. Uh- it looks pretty awesome, they don't have most assets done but they're mainly doing mechanics currently!


now then friends! I must go, got relics to collect and such! I cant wait! Tehehe.

CYA -Josh


1 comment


Next up

got some weird early footage here

Charles Lee ray

Howdy! Since tacos fatass wont update for this game ill do it myself, the game isnt being worked on awfully much however plans for rewriting of gameplay and mechanics to make it more fun and manageable are going on! :)

Hi guys josh the josh back, I figured it out. I will consider sparing those who commented the ideas 😁

I got a project ive been working on for the past three months or so, It'll be released soonish. Once thats finished, fnaw 3 returns.


yo, its been a bit!!