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Sonic The Hedgehog: Project SatAM

Approved by: @luigikidgaming



2/3 endings complete!

All changes have been done!

*Everyone having hundreds and thousands of followers*

Me with my 200 followers:😀👍

Thank you all for following my profile!

You Guys Know Ability of Exetior in The Disaster 2D Remake Called Stomp? Well in @Empty-Name 's Fangame Called SONIC.EXE SIMULATOR (his take) YOU CAN EXPECT IT! :D im really proud of myself making this ability real it wasn't so hard

Such a cool name you got there bud.

(Also I hate the guy with the yellow letters. He was being so disrespectful in the chat, becuase he was mysteriously dodging all my attacks, while i was literally touching him!)

Metal Sonic Does Chill, Right?

(Currently preparing something after Chrono Distortion)

POV: @Empty-Name when no July login streak

Just decided to make an art of my OC!

I am not an artist or anything so it may not look that good, but I still tried my best!

I still hope you like it!

Btw his expression is: 0_<


The Death Of Freedom Fighters REMAKE -----------------------------------------------------------

Ok Tails looks cute inside the bag but why did it remind me of this ahh baby💀