
12 hours ago

XANNIBAN | GameJolt Page + Dev Update


So, a couple things to talk about. It's been a little while, hasn't it? Hope you all have been doing well.

Going to try to keep this a short(er) post as I'm trying to keep a lot of what I'm developing a bit more of a surprise this time 'round. I do have some small things to show for now though until I have another trailer done...

For my previous game, I did a fair amount of teasers but in the end I think it did spoil just a tad too much about that game's plot/mechanics - so for this game, I don't think 'teaser' images will be the route I'll end up taking - I'll put one last teaser here alongside this post for now, though. (I do have an idea though - more on that later.)

That being said... quick status update on my end:

Still cooking! Things are getting done on this game still. Progress has picked back up for the most part, but it being mostly a solo project, it was pretty slow for a while as other things required my attention.

The time-frame proposed for the gameplay trailer's release was... a little off the mark haha. Rest assured - I'm still working towards it. Just decided now that for this project I won't be announcing any 'release dates' for media showcasing the game. I think just working on things at my own pace, and then sharing it when it's ready is probably the best approach for now.

You may be noticing though, that the game has a GameJolt page now - yes. I figured I should just go ahead and make one myself that I can officially refer people to for development updates and whatnot. It's not much at the moment, still early in dev, but it'll get updated over time.

I initially avoided making a GJ page at first as the plan was the game was not going to have a demo & that the only platform the game was going to be on was Steam, so I didn't feel the need to create other pages at the time and I figured I'd wait til the Steam page and second trailer were ready - but, as already mentioned - I overestimated the speed at which things could be done.

I've been wanting a place that development updates like these could call home, and GJ is probably the perfect site for that atm. Felt weird to announce something and not have a page immediately up to go alongside it.

On top of that, I'm thinking a demo might actually be more viable with this game, so I'm considering it now - but more info on that when and if that's available.

I figured why not have a basic GJ page in advance that people can follow for updates, and if I end up making a demo, it can be put on here? My previous game started on GameJolt, so I only feel it's fair this project have its own dedicated GJ page as well.


Much has changed - that initial reveal trailer is mostly outdated now (but it will stay on the page until next one's ready). I think the changes and additions that have been made since then have been great. Really excited to show it off.

I've also made the decision that after that trailer is done and released, I'll likely be doing more frequent status updates - potentially even in video form, showing the game in action more often.

I've realized that I think I'd prefer doing that over teaser images - they're quicker to make, consistently upload, and probably more interesting to the viewer anyway. This is definitely a new approach so specifics might change but I think it'll be a fun approach. Really excited to give making those a go.

I know the wait for this game has been a bit long, but I'm thinking that the extra time is benefiting it. Have come up with a ton of cool ideas. I do appreciate the wait.


As for the FAQ post - I'll be updating it sometime soon. Will add a timestamp every time it gets updated so the updates to it are easy to see.

In the meantime, I want to quickly answer a question I've seen mentioned:

Steam isn't available to everyone due to region and all that fun stuff, so to elaborate on that: trying to get that figured out.

Steam is the most convenient for me, so that will be the platform I focus on for now - but I'm not intending on it being the only platform to get the game on.

Considering my options at the moment (Epic, Itch, etc). They all need their own graphical assets and such, so I want to not splurge on the amount of platform's its on - as its definitely extra work.

All that being said, Steam will definitely be the best platform to play the game, I think. I'll try to make sure the game's pricing is accessible to everyone though, regardless of the region you purchase it in.

Speaking of Steam... game page for the most part is done - graphical assets are old & need updating, but aside from that I'm very happy with it. Will likely be published alongside next trailer.

Regarding releasing the full game on GameJolt - still figuring this out. My games on this site have only been free titles so I'm not quite sure how a paid title would work. I've seen it done though so perhaps it is something I will look into.

If a demo's made, it'll for sure be uploaded to GJ. I do like posting on this site and want to keep using it, so even if I don't end up releasing the game on here, I'll be posting status updates here on my profile.

Still not 100% certain on a demo being created, BUT:
I've come up with an idea to make a demo unique enough to warrant creating without spoiling much of the full game.

Even then, since this game is larger than my previous one in scope, I think even a traditional demo might still be worth creating. Will save the specifics until then.


Also, definitely ignore the random game screenshots. How'd those get in? Always happens, I'm telling you...

But yeah, stuff's being done - and I will have more to show eventually. Thank you all for the patience. I'm trying to take my time with this game, really - TL was honestly a little rushed near the end of development just to get it done, and it resulted in me cutting a lot of cool ideas (just due to implementing them taking more time than I'd like). I don't want to end up having to cut anything major from this game - I'm satisfied with the scope of the project at the moment.

I'm also just trying to take the time to perfect it and polish it to my liking. I think the slower development has actually resulted in me being able to really refine things. Some really neat ideas have sprung up over time and really benefited the game as a whole I think.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

TL;DR: Still at the game dev grind.

I'll refrain from showing more until a new trailer's ready (which is being worked on as we speak), and like I said - after one's up, I'd like to do more frequent updates. But hey - I might just drop one more teaser or two before I switch it up to more consistent posts after next trailer. Can't deny that making them is really fun. Overall developing this game has been super fun which is a good sign I think.

I appreciate the patience!



Next up


Here is the reveal trailer for my new original point & click horror game!

October 2021 Devlog | Discord re-opening, 2020 Demo returning & extra goodies


a fanart for Tealerland and Xanniban

Getting a weird sense of Deja Vu today...




Introducing new TEALERLAND stickers!

A few previews of the soundtrack are now available on the game page!

Apparently it was my spawn day recently... and I missed it! Oh well.

Anyways, instead of actually putting in the effort to make a cool render, have this celebratory low-res wireframe: